Astrology's Pisces and Numerology; modifiers for your Horoscope
===> Birth Day Calculation
Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, actor Billy Crystal was born on March 14th, 1948, so his Birthday number is (5) as shown below.
Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (14) = (1 + 4) = (5)
The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Pisces Horoscope are shown below.
===> Birth Day (1) - Conservative
You are well grounded in your ideas and aspirations. No head in the clouds for you.
===> Birth Day (2) - White Knight
You have a strong passion to help rescue people in distress, particularly those of the opposite sex.
===> Birth Day (3) - Escapist
You have a burning desire to escape from the chains of mundane existence. This may manifest as a strong interest in mysticism and the occult.
===> Birth Day (4) - Victim
You have a tendency to always take the blame when things go wrong. Don't borrow other peoples problems.
===> Birth Day (5) - Poor Me
You sometimes have too much self-pity when things go wrong. Fight this tendency; you are only making things worse for yourself.
===> Birth Day (6) - Day Dreamer
You tend to spend too much time day-dreaming, instead of working to make your dreams a reality. Learn to focus better.
===> Birth Day (7) - Temperamental
You are often temperamental for no good reason. Be careful that people don't react badly to your emotional state. Learn to deal with your moods.
===> Birth Day (8) - Tall Tales
You have a strong desire to sensationalize your life, exaggerating your successes and failures in the telling. Don't kid yourself; your close friends see through your embellishments.
===> Birth Day (9) - Regretful
You see the opportunities that you pass up as failures on your part. Don't be so hard on yourself in hind sight. Look at the chances you passed up which didn't pan out. There is always risk to reaching for the brass ring.
Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology reading including your own Yantra Magic Square chart. Visit him on the web today at Blog46858
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